In the early days of its inception, Raj Comics published mythological, mystery and adventure comics. One evening, while discussing the same, Rajkumar Gupta walked in on the conversation of the two brothers and thus, Raj Comics was born. While his father always had a passion for crime-thrillers, Gupta and his brother Sanjay Gupta were always thrilled with the idea of creating original Indian Superheroes. At their peak, the books sold up to 1 million copies each. They had a highly-successful run and published critically acclaimed authors like Surender Mohan Pathak, Ved Prakash Sharma, Anil Mohan and Raja. Gupta began his career by editing and publishing pulp-fiction books along with his father Rajkumar Gupta. Some consumers partially credit their wildly explosive success to this technological increment. He introduced digital-colouring in Raj Comics back in the 1990s, making it one of the first Indian brands to use the technique.
He co-created the characters Nagraj, Bankelal Doga, Bhokal, Yoddha etc. He established the most popular and longest running comic book company Raj Comics together with his brother Sanjay Gupta.
Manoj Gupta (born December 23, 1967) is an Indian publisher, editor, and the President and Co-founder of Raja Pocket Books and its subsidiary Raj comics.